Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Apple: Some iPod screens defective

According to Apple, there is indeed a problem with a small fraction of iPod nanos, and they plan to address it:
Apple confirmed the problem exits, saying: "This is a real but minor issue involving a vendor quality problem in a small number of units. Our figures show this issue has affected less than 1/10 of 1 per cent of the total iPod nano units that we've shipped. It is not a design issue."

Affected customers simply need to contact Apple to arrange a free replacement unit.

However, regarding scratched screens, Apple had this to say:
"A few vocal customers say the nano is susceptible to scratches. We do not believe this is a real issue."

The representative confirmed the company to have received "very few" calls claiming such a problem, adding: "We make the screens using the same material as we use in the 4G iPod". Such complaints are not made about the 4G iPod.


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