My Macworld 2007 Reactions

Apple's Macworld keynote was all about one thing really: iPhone. I must say, I'm impressed, and I want one. I already have Cingular so this isn't a problem for me. The fluid, changeable user interface is absolutely beautiful. It's completely touch enabled, with lots of subtle but meaningful animations. When you look at the UI, I think you may be looking at the direction the Leopard look and feel is moving in, even though we haven't been shown anything. I think you will see these colors and textures show up to finally replace Aqua, and I'm excited for it.

Next up is Apple TV. I want this too, even if it is really just as I'd feared, essentially an Airport Express for video with internal storage. The Apple TV does output 720p, which is HD, so it looks like they did indeed upgrade the video from the store, assuming you can buy your movies in this res (why not?). I still hope they add recording at some point, but it looks like that's not in the cards.
Not mentioned but also released, was the new Airport Extreme. Stephan pointed this out in his reactions blog post. It is not only WAY faster, but it now looks like Apple TV or the Mac mini, and in addition to doing wireless printing, you can now also add wireless storage, creating a shared NAS drive. This alone is worth the upgrade I think.
So yes, Jobs unveiled the iPhone (called, surprising the iPhone) and the Apple TV. Neither of these were real surprises. What WAS a surprise was the lack of information on ANYTHING else. No Leopard, no iWork. I thought these were a given and I know I'm not alone. I guess WWDC will be "The Show" for Leopard again maybe, I'm not sure.
Even though we didn't get to see everything we expected, I can still say... it's a great time to be a Mac geek. :)
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