Monday, July 31, 2006

Living "The Life": Fraser Speirs Joins the Party

Well at least 50% of it anyway. Looks like Fraser Speirs is leaving his "day job" to teach and create Mac software. I think this qualifies as "The Life" because, well he's still not working for "The Man." You may know Speirs work with Connected Flow, a plugin for iPhoto called FlickrExport.
I feel weird and nervous, hopeful that this next phase will be successful. I've learned a lot in the last 10 years. When I started here I was a dilettante, a barely competent Hypercard hacker. On leaving, I now write commercial Mac software used every day by thousands of people, I've written for O'Reilly, I've run a BoF at WWDC, I'm friends with people in whose orbit I never expected to circle. I've been fortunate to get to know the right people at the right times, and sometimes build the right application at the right time, but it would be false modesty to say that all this isn't, at least in part, the product of ten years of hard work, late nights and serious application.

Welcome Fraser and good luck! (Via


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